Class 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Proctor
Welcome to Class 2
Mrs Proctor
This is the homepage of class 2. We are a wonderful class of enthusiastic staff and most importantly our wonderful students! Every day (except Wednesday) I teach Class 2 alongside one of our amazing teaching assistants who support year one - Mrs Grace-White and Miss Roberts. Miss Massey teaches Wednesday mornings and Miss Roberts teaches Wednesday afternoons. I pride myself on being approachable and having excellent relationships with parents. Communication is key and I am always here for a chat! The drop off and pick up times are rather busy and my focus is getting the children in and out of the classroom happily but I am always free for a quick chat - alternatively for a longer discussion I am available in person and happy for you to contact the office to arrange a meeting.
Some key information is that the classroom door opens at 8.45am which is when the children start either Early Bird Maths activities, consolidating the arithmetic they have learned in class. The door shuts at 8.55am ready for registration. Pick up is 3.20pm. Thank you for your support with adhering to these timelines. The timetable does change over the course of the year and we keep parents updated with these changes. PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays so please send your children in wearing The Quinta PE kit on these days. Waterbottles are required every day. Children may bring in a healthy snack for morning and afternoon break, alternatively they are welcome to free fruit or a snack at the canteen which they need cash for. If your child is absent please contact the office to report the absence before 9am - it is very useful to also message on seesaw to let me know they are off. Thank you
Maths, Literacy and phonics are taught in the mornings. In the afternoon we teach our core subjects of Science and PE as well as the foundation subjects including PHSCE, Art, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Computing, Music and Spanish.
We ask you read with your child a minimum of five times per week. It is also wonderful for the children to listen to you reading story books so they are exposed to a wider vocabulary which they are unable to yet access without being read to. Please record your child's reading in their yellow reading record, take a photo and submit this weekly to the activity set on seesaw. I keep a record of reading and we celebrate the children's ninja achievements...the children love this celebration of their reading! Reading is key to progression and I cannot stress enough how valuable it is to support your child with their reading...if you have any questions about reading please do contact me and I am more than happy to help. At the Quinta, we follow Read Write Inc, your child will have a book sent home every Friday and return on the day requested by your phonics teacher. If the book isn't returned, the next book cannot be sent home. Thank you.
The Quinta subscribe to Numbots which focuses on arithmetic and fluency. The children love this app and they have an avatar which they add to as they move up through the levels.
Thank you for reading our class 2 webpage and please do contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Mrs Proctor
Click on the links below to play some maths games. Hit the button is often a favourite!! (to practice subtraction by counting up) (Addition to 20) (100 square practice) (100 square practice) (Word problems) (Times tables, number bonds) (Numberbonds to 10, 20 or 100) (inverse operations)
Touch typing is an important part of ICT and by supporting your child developing their touch typing skills you will be helping them to better access the other areas of ICT .
Literacy Games - there are some excellent free spelling games online!
Class 2: Next School Event items
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