Class 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Young
Welcome to Year 2
This is the Class 4 webpage 2024-2025
Mrs Young
This is the homepage of Class 4 taught by Mrs Young, Ms Briggs. Miss Langford, Miss Duckworth and Mrs Plummer-Knight will be part of the Year 2 team and will be helping your child through their journey. We love communicating all of the exciting activies we complete and the achievements that children make. Remember to use Seesaw to keep up-to-date with our learning journey. The classroom door opens at 8:45 and learning starts at that time with some ‘Early Bird Maths’ - every minute we spend working with your child is important so if your child can arrive as close to 8.45 that would be fantastic for their progress. The doors close and the register is taken at 8.55.
For Class 4 information, please check Seesaw as this will be the primary place for communication. If you need to contact Mrs Young, please email or call the office.
Our Timetable -
Our timetable changes every 4 to 6 weeks. You will be notified of any changes via Seesaw. We will notify you regarding PE sessions via Seesaw. PE will be on Tuesday's and Friday's for the first 6 weeks. We work on Maths, English, Reading and PSHCE everyday but every afternoon is different. You can engage in History, Geography, Spanish, DT, Art, PE, Computing and Science so you are likely to discover a new hobby or pursue a current one. For subject specific information, please see the curriculum pages on our school website.
We ask you read with your child five times per week, including reading to your child so they are exposed to a wider vocabulary which they are unable to yet access without being read to. Please record your child's reading in their yellow reading record, take a photo and submit this every Sunday evening so it includes that day's reading, or on Monday morning so it can be checked/recorded on a Monday and we can celebrate the children's ninja achievements...the children love this celebration of their reading! Reading is key to progression and I cannot stress enough how valuable it is to support your child with their reading...if you have any questions about reading please do contact me and I am more than happy to help. At the Quinta, we follow Read Write Inc. Your child will have a book sent home every week (depending on phonics group / cycle) to read for the following week. This will help with decoding words, learning the meaning of unfamiliar words, fluency and comprehension. Please return on the day requested by your phonics teacher. If the book isn't returned, the next book cannot be sent home. Thank you.
The Quinta Primary School subscribe to TT Rockstars to help support the children in becoming confident in their timetables. In Year 2, the children are expected to answers 200 correct answers per week. This is part of thier maths homework and will be checked on a Friday, the same as reading homework. The same company have also created Numbots which focuses on arithmetic and fluency. We cover many important skills in maths such as bonds to 100, adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers and much more! Below are some links to website which may help your child to embed these skills at home.
Standon Bowers -
In Year 2, the children visit Standon Bowers. More information about this trip will be passed on via Seesaw nearer the time of the trip. Year 2 children would go rope swinging, wall climbing, caving and take part in a variety of team building activities. It really is a highlight of year 2. The children gain a lot of independence, social skills and have a wonderful time during this trip. There will be a meeting about the visit nearer the time. We will let you now the date and time of the meeting via Seesaw and text message.
Homework -
We will inform you about homework via seesaw as we will be introducing comphrenshion homeowrk to the children. Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Friday.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Young
For further information about what the children will be learning please click here.
Useful Links-
Number Bonds to 20 and other useful maths games
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