Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Jackson

Miss Archer

Welcome to Reception

Miss Jackson & Miss Archer

Reception at The Quinta is so much fun! It is full of wonder, exploration and learning through play. Miss Jackson and Miss Archer are the teachers of Reception. Mrs Frodsham, Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Hurley are our amazing teaching assistants who help us all. We have two classrooms; an outdoor classroom and the Quinta Woods with a den and a mud kitchen! Going to the Quinta Woods is so exciting, we love to make mud pies, hunt for bugs and explore the natural world around us. 

Pete the cat helps us on our journey through school as we learn to rock in our school shoes. His stories help us settle into school and make friends. ‘Is he afraid?’ ‘Goodness No!’ ‘It’s all good!’. He rocks in his school shoes and he will be our mascot all through our first year in school. 

Pete will enjoy finding out about our families. It will be good to find out more about you all. We will draw our families and paint our very own self portraits.  As summer turns to autumn, we will learn all about the seasons and learn and celebrate special events such as Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night. Pete is super excited for us to have our own bonfire where we get to toast and taste yummy marshmallows. It's going to be a very busy first term but full of lots of fun as we will play, laugh and learn with our friends.

We will also meet Granny Fantastic who loves words and is always there to help us learn lots of new vocabulary. She loves to share amazing stories with us. Some of the stories we will enjoy throughout the year include: We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Three Little Pigs, The Gruffalo, Lost and Found and Billy's Buckets. 

We will use the 'Read Write Inc' phonics activities everyday to help us learn sounds and oral blend with Fred the Frog.  We also love to strengthen our muscles ready to write with daily Dough Disco and a bit of Squiggle while you Wiggle. As we progress through Reception, the Drawing Club opens where we get creative and draw pictures from the stories we learn about. We give our drawing special codes by writing them underneath our picture. It really is magical!

In mathematics we encourage the childen develop their noticing and subitising skills to support them in securing a deep number sense which they will build upon during EYFS.  The numberblocks help us along our maths jouriney and we are always very excited when one arrives at The Quinta. 




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The Quinta Primary School, Ullswater Road, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4LX